Rural Farmers’ Benefits from Agricultural Modernization in Kano River Project Phase I, Kano Area, Nigeria
Olawepo, R.A.; Ibrahim, A.B.
Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 2(1), pp. 39-54.

This paper describes the earning activities of rural farmers in and around Kano River Project Phase 1 with a view to assessing benefits from agricultural modernization over the years. 426 benefiting farmers were interviewed through questionnaire administration, and the results show that a large number of rural farmers depend on family labour, modern inputs and personal instincts to earn productive incomes. Also, an average farmer within the project site earned a high income which subsequently accorded them improved standard of living. To corroborate this, 85% or our respondents agreed that there have been improved agricultural development and a high level of annual yield and accessibility to modernization. Similarly, in terms of agricultural transformation, farm practices have drastically changed from traditional to modern over the years in which various technical processes were being applied by local farmers. Despite these, farmers face the usual problems of technical in efficiency and farm distortions. Appropriate recommendations were made to enhance sustainability.

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Olawepo, R.A. & Ibrahim, A. B. (2013). Rural Farmers’ Benefits from Agricultural Modernization in Kano River Project Phase I, Kano Area, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 2(1), pp. 39-54.

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OLAWEPO, Raphael Abiodun, a Professor of Geography and Environmental Management, is the current Head of Department of Geography and Environmental Management. University of Ilorin, Nigeria. He is a member of Senate of this great University with wealth of experience in teaching and Research for over two decades, and he specializes in Settlement Studies and Rural Development. His current Research is in the use of Participatory Rural Appraisal Techniques among rural communities in the developing world to effect Participatory Development.
Professor Olawepo, is also a member of some professional Associations among which are Association of Nigerian Geographers and Nigerian Participatory Rural Appraisal Network, and has published various research works in reputable National and International Outlets.


Ibrahim, A.B.
Department of Geography
Kano State College of Education
Kano, Nigeria