Effect of Variety And Planting Geometry on the Growth and Yield of Hybrid Maize
Mrityunjoy Biswas, AHMM Rahman, F Ahmed

To study the effect of planting geometry on yield and yield attributes of maize hybrids an experiment was conducted at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Jamalpur during rabi 2009-2010 and 2010-2011. The results revealed that there was significant variation among the planting geometry during both years. There was no significant difference among the varieties in the first year but in the second year. The highest grain yield was obtained from the planting geometry 60cm × 20cm (83,333 plants m-2) which was statistically similar to that of 75cm × 20cm (66,666 plants m-2). The lowest grain yield was obtained from the planting geometry 75cm × 25cm (53,333 plants m-2). Pacific-11 showed better performance during both years than the varieties BARI hybrid bhutta-5 and BARI hybrid bhutta-7. Significant variation was not found due to interaction effect of variety and planting geometry.

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