Challenges in Groundnut Production and Adoption of Groundnut Production Technology Information Packages among Women Farmers
Idoko, Micheal Daniel; Sabo Elizabeth

Reviving groundnut production in Nigeria requires concerted efforts by the stakeholders. Women farmers are important groundnut producer in Taraba` state, they are involved in all aspect of the groundnut value chain. Several groundnut production technologies have been developed and communicated through the extension service to the farmers. Conversely there has been a decline in production and participation by women farmers. Therefore women farmers remain resource poor and largely illiterate. To up scale production and take advantage of the industrial potential of this crop an investigation was conducted to document the socio economic, demographic and institutional variables of women farmers, identify technology information packages communicated to the farmers and adoption of these technologies. A total of 200 farmers were interviewed, respondents were sourced using multi stage sampling procedure. Data collected were summarized and submitted for descriptive statistics, stepwise regression analysis as used to identify socio economic, demographic, institutional and institutional factors that influence the adoption of certified seeds, use of insecticides, storage and harvesting techniques among the women farmers. Showed that most of the respondents are married, fulltime farmers and are fairly educated. The household size, marital status, source of information, primary occupation, age, land tenure status and recommended fertilizer dosage, significantly influenced adoption of certified seeds, use of insecticides, storage and timely harvest among groundnut women farmers. Groundnut producers indicated that lack of credit facilities, high cost of improved seed and technical know-how, lack of fertilizer, as factors that limits production. The study revealed the need to enhance access to improved varieties, biopesticides, harvesting and processing techniques, credits and farm input for groundnut producers.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jaes.v3n4a8