Harvesting, Trade and Impact of Logging Pterocarpus Erinaceous in Bali LGA of Taraba State, Nigeria
Peter, D. D, Yani, J.P2, Vandi, S; Enoch, B.B

This study investigated the harvesting, trade and impact of logging Pterocarpus erinaceous in Bali local government area of Taraba State, Nigeria. Two study sites selected were: Mai-Labari in Garba Chede and Bayan Dutse in Bali town all in Bali LGA. The study was carried out to: identify reasons for the harvest of Pterocarpus erinaceous K, examine the environmental effect and impact of logging Pterocarpus erinaceous in the study area. Data was generated through research questionnaire, interview, and physical observations of the major sites and key informants who were fully involved in the logging and trading of Pterocarpus erinaceous. The findings showed that, the high exploitation of Pterocarpus erinaceous K is like a „rush for gold‟ because harvesting of the log wood provides employment opportunities to the unemployed youths in the area; environmental effects, illegal logging has been identified as the main driver of degradation and loss of forests in the area. Also high incidence of absconding of bees from their beehives was observed. This was attributed to noise pollution from chainsaw activities and felling of shade and foraging trees. Residual waste left by loggers served as ready fuel for the wild fires during the dry season. Despite the enactment of the act forbidding indiscriminate tree felling in State, harvesting and trading of Pterocarpus erinaceous is still ongoing in the interior areas. Finding also showed that, Artificial intelligence has made monitoring illegal activities in the forest easier. With drones, aerial survey and snapshots of hundreds of acres of forests within few hours is feasible.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jaes.v9n2a10